Alleviating Constipation Through Shiatsu Therapy: Channels and Key Pressure Points

One of the most embarrasing, uncomfortable & common complaint I see in practice...

Constipation is a common digestive issue that many people experience at some point in their lives. It can lead to discomfort, bloating, and a feeling of sluggishness. From a Shiatsu therapy perspective, constipation is often viewed as an imbalance in the body's energy flow, specifically affecting the digestive and elimination systems. By applying pressure to specific points on the body, we can stimulate the movement of energy (Qi), promote healthy digestion, and support the body’s natural elimination process.

The Meridians Involved

In Shiatsu therapy, we work with the body’s meridians, or energy pathways, to correct imbalances. 

For constipation, the focus lies on the Stomach (ST), Large Intestine (LI), Spleen (SP), and Liver (LV) meridians. These meridians influence digestion, the absorption of nutrients, and the body’s ability to move waste efficiently.

  1. Stomach (ST) Meridian: This meridian governs the process of digestion. If Qi stagnation occurs in the Stomach meridian, it can lead to digestive problems, including constipation.
  2. Large Intestine (LI) Meridian: As the primary channel related to the elimination of waste, balancing the Large Intestine meridian is essential for relieving constipation. Stimulation along this pathway helps promote peristalsis, the movement of the intestines that pushes waste through the digestive tract.
  3. Spleen (SP) Meridian: The Spleen controls the transformation and transportation of food and fluids. A deficiency in this meridian can lead to poor digestion and an accumulation of dampness, contributing to constipation.
  4. Liver (LV) Meridian: The Liver meridian is crucial in regulating the smooth flow of Qi throughout the body. Qi stagnation in the Liver meridian can disrupt digestion and the natural rhythm of bowel movements.

Key Shiatsu Points to Relieve Constipation

ST 25 (Tianshu – “Heaven's Pivot”)

  • Location: Approximately two finger widths from the navel on both sides.
  • This is the most commonly used point for digestive issues, particularly constipation. ST 25 directly influences the intestines and helps to regulate Qi in the abdomen, stimulating bowel movement.

LI 4 (Hegu – “Joining Valley”)

  • Location: In the webbing between the thumb and index finger.
  • LI 4 is a well-known point for promoting the smooth flow of Qi throughout the body. It is used to relieve blockages in the Large Intestine meridian and stimulate bowel movements.

LI 11 (Quchi – “Pool at the Crook”)

  • Location: At the outer end of the elbow crease when the arm is bent.
  • LI 11 is a powerful point for clearing heat and resolving stagnation in the Large Intestine meridian, promoting regularity.

SP 15 (Daheng – “Great Horizontal”)

  • Location: On the abdominal line, about four finger widths from the navel.
  • This point, located on the Spleen meridian, helps support digestive function and regulates the intestines. It is particularly beneficial when constipation is due to Spleen Qi deficiency.

LV 3 (Taichong – “Great Surge”)

  • Location: On the top of the foot, in the depression between the first and second toes.
  • LV 3 helps regulate the flow of Qi, especially when Liver Qi stagnation is contributing to sluggish bowel movements. This point is effective in treating stress-related constipation.

Ren 6 (Qihai – “Sea of Qi”)

  • Location: On the midline of the abdomen, approximately two finger widths below the navel.
  • Ren 6 strengthens the body’s Qi and helps with issues of energy stagnation. This point can be particularly effective in relieving constipation by boosting energy flow in the lower abdomen.

ST 36 (Zusanli – “Leg Three Miles”)

  • Location: About four finger widths below the kneecap, on the outer side of the leg.
  • ST 36 is a major point for improving overall digestion. It strengthens the stomach, promotes the smooth flow of Qi, and supports the body’s natural elimination processes.

Technique: Applying Shiatsu Pressure for Constipation Relief

When working on these points, Shiatsu practitioners use gentle, sustained pressure, often with the thumb, palm, or fingers. The pressure should be firm but not painful, encouraging the flow of energy through the meridians.

  1. Abdominal Work: Begin by applying gentle circular pressure on the abdomen, moving in a clockwise direction. This mimics the natural flow of the intestines and encourages peristalsis.
  2. Pressure on Key Points: After warming the abdomen, focus on points such as ST 25 and SP 15. Apply firm pressure for 2-3 minutes on each side, allowing the client to breathe deeply and relax.
  3. Hands and Feet: Move on to the hands and feet to stimulate LI 4LV 3, and ST 36. Use your thumb to apply steady pressure on each point for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Releasing Qi Stagnation: Focus on points like LV 3 and Ren 6 to ensure the free flow of Qi. This is especially important if stress or emotional blockages are contributing to the constipation.

Final Thoughts

Shiatsu therapy offers a gentle yet effective method for relieving constipation by addressing both the physical and energetic aspects of digestion. By stimulating specific meridians and acupoints, the flow of energy can be restored, supporting the body’s natural ability to move waste. In conjunction with dietary adjustments and stress management, Shiatsu can be a powerful tool for achieving and maintaining digestive health.For long-term relief, regular treatments and self-care practices, such as abdominal massage and stress reduction techniques, can help maintain a healthy digestive system.

Emotions and constipation

Inability to let go of past hurts, relationships, traumatic events can lead to constipation . Emotions afffect the body and some body parts can stored unresolved emotions and memories.