How do we build trust with complex trauma and complex pain patients

At one point in my early twenties, I was a complex patient who had chronic conditions trying many treatments and therapies and then discovering underneath all of it were traumas. This led to 25 years of trying to understand the complexity of trauma and many of our "diseases".

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The Diaphragm the great mediator between mind & body.

The human body is a complex and interconnected system where every component plays a crucial role in maintaining health and well-being. Among these components, the diaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle located beneath the ribcage, is often underestimated in its significance. Beyond its primary function in respiration, the diaphragm plays a profound role in regulating the nervous system, influencing both our physical and mental states. This article explores the essential relationship between the diaphragm and the nervous system from a body-mind perspective.

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The 5-R's to reverse chronic pain & the effects of Post Traumatic Stress.

We are as a collective living in overwhelm , uncertainty and our stress levels are at all time high! Many of us already carry and manage so much on a day to day basis, now to mention the last few years with the pandemic, it does not matter how strong you are, it can take a toll.

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Don't Isolate but rather "Insulate".

Going through this unprecedented pandemic that we did over the last few years, we are asked to Isolate ourselves, to social distance and to be quarantined. For many of us this is not new news, or a new state of living and being!

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Your Pain Is An Opportunity.

I see so many people “Trapped” in their bodies going through life suffering consciously, or unconsciously dealing with pain. What I want to say that your Pain Is and opportunity, it can be an opening for you evolve into the man, or woman that you know you can be.

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10 Tip to regain your sanity using the fall.

To be honest, as much as I love the Summer in British Columbia, Canada under these “extraordinary” times we are in, I am happy that the Fall is HERE! Why you might ask? Using the natural rhythms of our beautiful seasons here, helps to attune me the the natural world and to my own Innate natural wisdom. Nature is a powerful teacher and in the fall we can see the letting go process. It teaches us that it is inevitable and completely natural and beautiful. It shows us that we are able to let go, heal and renew ourselves.

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Working With Elite Soldiers & PTSD

In the 1980’s, Sylvester Stallone became famous for Rambo, a movie character who was the ultimate warrior. Many men and young boys, including myself at the time, idolized Rambo. I even had his posters on my wall as a kid thinking that’s who I want to be one day. But what I learned later as I became a bodymind therapist working with trauma and chronic pain; That even Rambo has a breaking point!

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Anxiety Relief in 5 - 10 minutes

Are you affected by the debilitating effects of anxiety and stress during this pandemic? Or just struggling with general anxiety? The truth is we all at times struggle with it on one level or another. Stress is the number 1 cause of Dis-Ease in the 21st century! It’s at an epidemic proportions and everyone is affected right now.

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The Impact of Shiatsu Therapy on the Nervous System: A Comprehensive Exploration

Shiatsu therapy is a form of Japanese therapy that has been used for centuries to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and alleviate pain. In recent years, it has gained popularity as a complementary therapy for individuals who have experienced trauma. Trauma can have a profound impact on a person's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being, and shiatsu therapy has been shown to be an effective tool in helping individuals to heal from the effects of trauma.

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